Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Snatched Up to Heaven for KidsSnatched Up to Heaven for Kids by Jemima Paul
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Snatched up to Heaven for kids is a book that deals with the afterlife, be it heaven or hell in an easy to understand way. This book is especially geared towards children (obviously per the title), and I find that my 7-year-old daughter would be able to understand what is happening in the book. The story follows two girls, Emma and Bella who start having dreams that they are escorted to heaven and later to hell by angels. During their dream journeys, they meet various characters from the bible, including Jesus. Each morning, they relate the dreams to their parents who are at first astonished, but nevertheless gently explain to them the finer points of heaven and hell, angels, Jesus and Satan.
This sis certainly a good book if you have introduced this topic to you children and they have more questions. Sometimes I find presenting a story to my girls that have characters that are undergoing what we talked about helps them visualize and understand the topic better. This was well written and very easy to read.

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