Saturday, October 24, 2020

Et Tutu, Brute?Et Tutu, Brute? by Robin Anderson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Set against the backdrop of many different places around the world, Et Tutu Brut follows the ambition and lives of several male Ballet dancers, some cunning men as well as a hitman named Rough Rafe. Who is the best dancer? Who is the most cunning and powerful of all these men, and who will come out on top in the end?
While there is plenty in this book to laugh about, there is also a dangerous undercurrent that can be palpable at times. With so many characters in play, the beginning of the book can be a bit hard to read as you must figure out how each one interconnects (if at all) and then keep track of it all. Once you get there (for me it was around halfway through), the book is easier to read and continues to entertain. I love dance (not necessarily ballet), so this was a fun merging of dance with crime and murders and power plays.

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