Thursday, December 10, 2020

Inherent Greed: Why The Fox Is In The Chicken CoopInherent Greed: Why The Fox Is In The Chicken Coop by Carney Vaughan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When a mother overlooks the evils that are laying within her own child, it can become a deadly inevitable result for those who cross the child later in life. Set in Australia, Cameron and his mother live alone. Doted upon by his mother until her untimely fiery death, Cameron never learns to control his urges. These take him wherever he wants and lets him do whatever he does, even if it ends in someone else getting hurt. Taking these egomaniacal urges into politics, Cameron soon learns that he needs to resort to even more drastic measures in order to get what he wants.
Many of the characters get their own voices, and as such, this is a slightly more difficult book to read, on top of a hard topic. This is certainly a book that will make you think, it will have you ponder the nature vs. nurture arguments as well as the consequences of bad decisions. It was a well written book though, and kept me guessing on the ultimate conclusion.

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