Monday, April 27, 2020

The lottery winner and the gun with no bulletsThe lottery winner and the gun with no bullets by Heru Asaramo
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Jacob had a rough life growing up. His mom was an addict, as so manty parents and siblings were on the West side, but he never lost his imagination. When he buys a winning Lottery ticket at age 19, his world and life seem to be set in a brand-new way that even he barely imagined. However, just two years later, he is in jail, charged with the murder of the president’s daughter and all evidence drummed up points at him. Will he be stuck in prison, or can he fight for his freedom? Who really killed the girl and why are more bodies turning up now?
A thrilling adventure full of twists and “who done it” questions, this book has set high aspirations for its characters. I liked Jacob and his friends and even some of those against him. I think the human nature has been touched on enough to show that none of us are perfect. An entertaining book, with a few spelling errors that can use a proofreader’s eye.

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