Monday, September 28, 2020

The Seven Epaulettes of LeadershipThe Seven Epaulettes of Leadership by Shawn Abrams
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

In order to be an effective leader, you have to understand the people you are leading. To this end, you must have some form of relationship with the, at least enough to understand what drives them. This book will help you understand the dynamics between leadership and relationships and helps define what a leader should be. Your organization will benefit from you using the principles of Applied Leadership contained in this book. When you begin putting the Statement Challenges into play and when you utilize the teachings from Mr. Abrams, you will see how your employee engagement will improve and you will be able to recognize the warning signs of impending failure.
This book will be essential for those stepping into roles of leaders, or those recently promoted into a leadership role. Lots of constructive criticism and mental pep-talks are contained and the writing style is easy enough to follow. For a seasoned leader, this book might feel too young and basic, although reminding oneself of the fundamentals is not a bad thing from time to time.

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