Saturday, October 19, 2019

Don't Drink the PinkDon't Drink the Pink by B.C.R. Fegan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Grandfather Gilderberry loves to celebrate each of his granddaughter’s birthdays. On those days his granddaughter Madeline comes to visit his workshop, and they have a magical time exploring the world of potions and the powers they can bestow. Each year Madeline can choose a different potion and she discovers different powers, breathing fire, flying, turning smaller, and so on. However, with each birthday and Madeline getting older, she starts to notice that her grandfather is getting older as well. He doesn’t move quite as fat, and it takes him longer to accomplish things.
The thing in this book that really impressed me were the graphics. They were phenomenally drawn and greatly help the story. I loved the underlying message of this book, not just the colors, or number lessons, but the lesson about getting older. Not many children books can touch on this in a sensible manner, but this book did.

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