Monday, November 4, 2019

Falling from the LightFalling from the Light by Adam Smith
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Charlie Doyle, a perpetual drunk, rushes his 10-year-old nephew who has just been hit by a car to the hospital. When he arrives, major damage is found to the boys’ brain and he is in a vegetative state. Did Charlie cause more damage than was there in his rush to the hospital? Wracked with guilt, Charlie descends into a downward spiral when the gossip mongers blame him, and his family life starts to unravel at the seams. Adultery, crime and more make their way into his home and he is hanging on by a thread when he is offered a job to spy on his neighbors to prevent them from committing insurance fraud. But Charlie gets the idea to search for the hit and run driver who struck his nephew, and this starts Charlies descent into an even darker spiral. Interesting suspense and who done it book, the characters were interesting, and the writing was great.

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