Thursday, June 10, 2021

How Parents Can Teach Children To Counter Negative Thoughts: Channelling Your Child's Negativity, Self-Doubt and Anxiety Into Resilience, Willpower and DeterminationHow Parents Can Teach Children To Counter Negative Thoughts: Channelling Your Child's Negativity, Self-Doubt and Anxiety Into Resilience, Willpower and Determination by Frank Dixon
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book strives to teach parents how to help their children counter negative thoughts and beliefs that can prove harmful to them. The dangers of continuous negative thinking and beliefs can influence so much more than behavior and personality.
However, I feel this book fell short of the mark. IF you wanted a summary of helpful articles and advice from the internet, then you have found the right spot. If you are looking for innovative and deep, meaningful, and resonating advice, then this is not the book you are looking for. I found myself slightly disappointed with the book as its part of an extensive series that is very well reviewed.

View all my reviews

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