Tuesday, June 22, 2021

On My Radar: Navigating Stock Market CyclesOn My Radar: Navigating Stock Market Cycles by Stephen Blumenthal
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The author begins the book by giving a brief history of recent market events such as the crash on 2007 and how they came about. While this might seem obvious to some, to laymen, or those just entering the stock market, this information is valuable to learn the warning signs and things to avoid. As the author says: “Sell when everyone else is buying and buy when everyone else is selling.” As this was good advice he received early in his career.
Plenty of interesting concepts were explored and explained here, such as the 80 Core-20 Explore concept, amongst others that I have never heard of. I liked the charts and graphs that helped explain what the author was talking about. Overall, the book was a good explanation of the stock market, how to navigate it and how to avoid costly mistakes.

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