Sunday, July 12, 2020

Forever: A Medical ThrillerForever: A Medical Thriller by Geoffrey M. Cooper
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Professor Brad Parker works in a prestigious genomic engineering Lab at Harvard. He revels in the challenges of finding a cure for cancer and increasing the cells longevity. His partner, Karen Richmond approaches him when the FBI suspects that a colleague is a Chinese Spy and is selling the lab secrets to China. As Brad agrees, he is drawn into a conspiracy web of intrigue, lies and murder and along with Karen, he brings his brilliance to solving this newest problem. A race against time to prevent another murder as well as the loss of more secret knowledge.
A fast-paced thriller, full of interesting characters, this book is detailed, with both world building and medical knowledge. This helps immerse the reader into the world and the characters, although I felt like some of the medical and scientific parts went over my head. I felt Brad’s enthusiasm for the subject, but as that is not my field I felt like I lost some there. Otherwise the story was a good thrill.

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