Monday, May 10, 2021

Pride of AshnaPride of Ashna by Emmanuel M. Arriaga
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Continuing on in the same world as Foundra, the first novel, the author yet again delivers an exciting, detailed and expansive universe for us to explore. This book centers around Serah’Elax who enlists into the Ashna Maidens, a zealous and extremely effective police force. Amidst Pirates, Founder’s Elites and even an ancient interdimensional threat, the Ashna Maidens will be tested like they have never been before.
I really liked the first book, and this one is no exception. The author continues on with the great writing and pacing, bringing us through action and dramatic scenes with skill. This is a detailed and heavy book, perfect for losing yourself in a new universe.

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