Friday, September 20, 2019

Death on the OceanDeath on the Ocean by Martha  Fischer
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Quiet, steady Amanda leads a quiet and stress-free life. Her life as a teacher is fulfilling, but not very luxurious or exciting. When she wins the lottery, she is suddenly swimming in cash. Deciding that she earned a little spoiling, she books an all expense paid cruise, but things do not turn out the way she envisioned. She is attracted to two different men, but do they like her for her? Or just for her money? Drawn into the mystery of a missing passenger at sea, a possible murder, Amanda traipses about the ship from one dramatic situation to another, when all she really wanted was to enjoy her relaxing holiday.
Interesting book, it was slow to start but once you get on board, the pacing starts to pick up. Humor, mystery as well as romance are in here so it can easily draw in different readers. Amanda is no Sherlock or Watson, so don’t expect any flashes of brilliance here. Still, I found it entertaining which is all that matters.

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