Saturday, September 14, 2019

So Far so GoodSo Far so Good by Justyn Credible
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I’m always curious about new books and this one doesn’t tell us much in the description. It is about Rhonda, awkward, clumsy and mishap prone. Each chapter in the book is about a different aspect of Rhonda, or a certain time she had bad luck. History lessons, softball, the different incidents in the many houses and the interactions she has with the world around her.
I really felt sorry for Rhonda, all the things that can go wrong, did go wrong for her. The book is a bit jolting and awkward to read as the chapters are all different lengths, some one page, others multiple pages. This is not a book for kids or even young adults, the themes might be familiar to them (bullying for one), but I think that the overall tone might be too macabre. There is some humor in her misfortunes, but I felt it was a little repetitive after awhile in that nothing seemed to work out for her. The only savings grace is the conclusion where the Author gives life advice for whom things aren’t quite working out.

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