Friday, September 27, 2019

Seeds of SlaverySeeds of Slavery by Joseph F. Baiden
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is based upon true events but has fictional characters. The author seeks to showcase, the greed that money can incite in men, the misery and horrific conditions that the slaves were subjected to as well as the ambitions, tribal warfare and betrayals that fueled the Slave trade. To this end, we embark upon a journey with wealthy businessmen seeking their fortunes on the African coasts. Young lovers, torn apart then reunited only to encounter horrors, mixed race middlemen forced between a rock and a hard place in how they treat their fellow citizens. Even a young, boy who is courageous, brave and fearless (maybe a tad too fearless) gets mixed up in the trade when he ties to protect those he loves.
This book was well researched, well written, free from grammatical errors and the pacing was superb. A hard theme to read about certainly, but this book makes it worth it. You will come to care for the characters within and nobody will act in ways that are clearly black or white, rather varying shades of gray.

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